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Family Letter - w/e 03 February 2023

Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher for week ending 3rd February 2023.

Dear Families,

I cannot believe that there is only one more week of this half-term left! The weeks seem to have flown by. Young people have continued to be very busy and have been working hard.

Thank you to families who attended our phonics and reading workshop on Thursday 2nd February, we hope you found the sessions useful. For those not able to attend and who would have liked to, further information can be sent out at your request. Please see further information below.

We just wanted to say a really big thank you for your support on Wednesday 1st February during the NEU strike action. We know that home learning can be a little disruptive for young people, but we were amazed by how much work pupils completed at home. We are very proud, so a big well done!

Moveable Museum

On Monday 16th January, the Moveable Museum joined Class Bases 1- 4 in school to explore different artefacts. Young people worked on their alcohological skills and focused on three different periods of time; Roman times, Dinosaur times and the Stone Age. Pupils loved the practical hands on experiences and worked together to understand the artefacts from different time periods. Some pictures from the day are below!

Moveable Museum 16-01-23

Safer Internet Day

This half term in Computing we have been looking at how young people can keep themselves safe online. This has included:

  • What to do if approached by a stranger online

  • How to recognise and respond to cyberbullying

  • How to protect yourself from viruses and malware

  • How to recognise a scam message and what to do with it

  • How to report internet safety concerns

During Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7 th February, our young people will get the chance to explore a wide range of internet safety issues and discuss their thoughts and experiences throughout the day.

The theme for this year’s Safer Internet Day is  “Want to talk about it? Conversations about life online”.  As our young people are spending more and more time online, it becomes ever more important that we are aware of what they are doing and are in a position to offer the support and guidance they need to ensure they use this amazing resource safely and responsibly. Hopefully, Safer Internet Day will provide the chance for us to start this conversation. Please feel free to join in the conversation at home!

We are NOT Invisible!

Last week, we had the privilege of being invited to a performance given by a group of incredible individuals from Rotherham called 'I am NOT invisible.' The company was made up of several people with additional needs, and it was inspiring for our young people to watch them share their experiences through a variety of dance, music and drama. Our young people gave lots of positive feedback after the event. They showed how amazingly respectful they are and maturely asked questions with empathy, curiosity and care. We are so proud of them and are so appreciative of this opportunity for our young people.

We are NOT invisible!

Secondary Phase Residential

This week, a letter has been sent home with your child if they have a place on the Year 7 – Year 11 residential to Lea Green. Please contact the office if you need any further support with this. The payments have been set up on the MyChildAtSchool app.

Reading and Phonics Workshop

Thank you to everyone who attended our Phonics and Reading support afternoon this week. It was wonderful to hear your feedback and we hope that the afternoon helped support and include you in our Bader Phonics and Reading journey.

For anyone who couldn’t make it, we will post the Reading document shared to parents on Class Dojo as a separate pdf, which offers guidance and support for at home reading. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any more questions about reading at home!

Dates for your diaries

Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the half term and approach Easter.

We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.

  • Tuesday 7th February Whole School – Safer Internet Day
  • Wednesday 8th February Sustainable Product Event 1:30pm – Families Invited
  • Friday 10th February – School closes for half term
  • Monday 20th February – School closed to pupils for inset day
  • Tuesday 21st February – School reopens for pupils
  • Thursday 23rd February – Class Base 5 – 11 and The Hub visit to Magna ** New Date **
  • Thursday 2nd March – Class Base 1 – 4 visit to Eureka ** New Date **
  • Friday 3rd March – World Book Day (Dress as your favourite book character, wear your PJs / Non-Uniform Day) ** New Date **


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.

Kind Regards,
Viki Drew