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Family Letter - w/e 24 March 2023

Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher for week ending 24th March 2023.

Dear Families,

Well, it has been an absolute whirlwind of a half term, with one more week left to go of the Spring Term and we will soon be in the Summer Term. We are very aware that there has been lots of changes to weeks including disruptions due to strike action, adverse weather and our very first Ofsted. We would like to thank you, for all your support and for working with us, ensuring effective communication and being so very understanding.

We would like to apologise to families, as we are very mindful that you have not received a parent overview for this half term, to include what your young people have been learning. These will be added to the school website next week and we will ensure that an overview is sent out during Summer One. Next half terms big question is ‘Where do I come from?’ and our change maker principle being focused upon is love.

On Thursday 2nd March, class base 1 - 4 visited Eureka! They absolutely loved their experience which was wonderful. For some of our young people this was the first ever big school trip they have been on! Bases 1 to 4 experienced a fun-packed day, exploring six zones finding out about themselves and the world around them.

Last week, a group of our secondary pupils visited Pennine View School to celebrate international maths day. They worked with other young people across the trust to solve problems and work through mathematical problems in a cross curricular manner.

We celebrated Science week last week. Young people were amazing and they enjoyed a large number of hands on, practical activities. The theme for Science week was connections and pupils really liked working scientifically, seeing the ‘magic’ that is Science!

We are looking forward to finishing this half term with a celebration event on Wednesday 29th March, further information can be found below.

Contacting School / Class Team

There have been a couple of queries raised by families about how it is best to ensure that a message is delivered to the class team on a morning. The school office opens at 8:15am and you can telephone the number to speak to someone directly. You can also contact the school office outside of office hours and leave a message on the answer machine; this will always be passed on to the relevant staff and team members.

If there is something specific that you need to inform the class team of, please use the message function on Class Dojo. Staff members have this on their class iPads and therefore, are able to see a message which you send. Please note, it may not be possible for the Dojo to be responded to during the school day however, the information which you want to share can and will be seen before your child arrives at school. Class Dojo is checked by the class team between 8:15am and 9:15am when registration finishes.

What's the Matter? Event

Next week is our ‘What's the Matter?’ Event. We have lots happening! The event will be taking place on Wednesday 29th March and will start at 10:30am, the event will run until 1:30pm for anyone who has asked when it will be finishing. This means that families do not need to arrive for 10:30am if this doesn’t work for you and a little later is of course not a problem.

We have the Scholastic book fayre joining the event and there will be books to buy. There will be lots of mindfulness activities including yoga, massage and martial arts to name a few! Please note, in order for a child to have a back, hand or neck massage, it will be essential that a consent form is completed by parent / carers. Therefore, if you are not able to attend but would like to give consent for your child, please contact the school office or the class team via Dojo on Monday and a consent form can be sent home for completion, ahead of the event

We will be having tasters provided by Relish, our catering company. We hope that you will be able to join us. Funds raised will be split between the charity Young Minds and funds towards school. Thank you to families who have already let us know they are attending or otherwise. If you have not yet done so, in order to plan catering accordingly, please complete the short Microsoft Form; details of this can be obtained from the school office, or via ClassDojo.

Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term and into the final half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the summer term. We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.

Dates for Your Diary

Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term and into the final half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the summer term. We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.

  • Week Commencing Monday 27th March – Easter Week, learning of the significance of Easter in Christianity

  • Wednesday 29th March – What’s the Matter? Event, further information to follow of activities includes book fayre and food tasting event held by Relish along with much more!

  • Friday 31st March – School closed to pupils for INSET day
  • Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th April – Easter Holiday school (further information to follow)

  • Monday 17th April – School reopens for the Summer Term following the Easter break.
  • Monday 17th April – Class Base 7D, 9, 10 & 11 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

  • Tuesday 18th April – Class Base 5, 6, 7S & 8 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

  • Wednesday 19th April – Class Base 1, 2, 3 & 4 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

  • Wednesday 19th April – Provider Event at Bader (Year 7 – Year 11) 1:00pm more information to follow but this provides information of post 16 provisions, apprenticeships and there will also be a discussion for Year 10 and 11 next year as to subject options.

  • Thursday 20th April – The Hub Visit – Cannon Hall Farm

  • Friday 21st April – Sublime Science (rearranged due to snow day)

  • Monday 24th April – Wednesday 26th April – Residential

  • Tuesday 25th April – Trust Parliament Sports Day at English Institute of Sport – Secondary representatives

  • Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday
  • Tuesday 2nd – Friday 5th May Jewish Festival Learning

  • Friday 5th May – The King’s Coronation Celebration (tea party) 11-12:30pm 

  • Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday
  • Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May Year 6 SATS week

  • Thursday 11th and Friday 12th May – Duke of Edinburgh bronze award (practice expedition)

  • Week Commencing 15th May – Year 6 celebration visit (TBC)

  • Thursday 18th May GCSE English Literature Unit 1 Paper 1

  • Friday 19th May GCSE Maths non-calculator Paper

  • Monday 22nd May – Class Base 5 – 11 Visit to Manor Lodge Sheffield

  • Wednesday 24th May – Class Base 1 Visit to National Coal Mining Museum

  • Wednesday 24th May GCSE English Literature Unit 1 Paper 2

  • Thursday 25th May – Class Base 2 – 4 Visit to Royal Armouries

  • Thursday 25th May – The Hub Visit (Outdoor adventurous activities)

  • Friday 26th May GCSE English Literature Unit 2

  • Friday 26th May – School closes for half term
  • Monday 5th June – School closed to pupils INSET day
  • Thursday 8th & Friday 9th June – Duke of Edinburgh bronze award expedition


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.

Kind regards,

Viki Drew