Family Letter - w/e 31 March 2023
Family letter from Viki Drew, Headteacher for week ending 31st March 2023.
Dear Families,
We have had another busy and exciting week in school to finish the Spring Term. We cannot quite believe we are already at the Easter holidays, wishing families a very Happy Easter, this academic year seems to be whizzing past. We hope that you all have a lovely break and a wonderful Easter.
It was wonderful to welcome families into school for our What’s the Matter? Event on Wednesday 29th March. It was a big success with lots of different mindfulness activities, a wonderful yoga instructor and masseuse who was very popular! Along with a book fayre and tasting session from Relish to name some of the wonderful experiences available.
Pupils love to welcome their families into school and share what they have been doing. We thank you for taking the time to come into school to share these experiences with us as a community. Below are just a few pictures from the event!
We look forward to welcoming pupils back into school on Monday 17th April for the start of our Summer Term. Please remember all young people are on visits across the first week so please, if you have not done so already ensure that you send consent slips back to school. You can also give consent vis the My Child At School App. We can’t wait to hear all about your Easter break when young people return to school.
Trust Olympics – Tuesday 25th April
Across this school year, as well as having a Pupil Parliament in school, the Trust have also run a Trust Pupil Cabinet. The Cabinet has a representative from each school and they meet each term to discuss what pupils would like to see in place, to enable schools from across the Trust to take part in joint activities. One of the requests this year has been for a Trust wide sports day. From this discussion it has been decided that the Trust will run a Trust Olympics this year. This is split into Secondary and Primary phases.
The Secondary Olympics will be taking place on Tuesday 25th April, this will be held at the English Institute of Sports in Sheffield. Bader will be sending a group of young people to take part in these activities to represent Bader Academy. If this involves your child, a letter will be sent home on Monday 17th April. Young people will be accompanied by staff who know them well.
Activities during the event include a morning of activities which operate as a carousel of ‘field’ activities, as requested by Trust Cabinet, including activities such as boccia, shotput, javelin, basketball skills, football skills, egg and spoon and long jump. Pupils will then have their lunch and the afternoon will consist of track events, before returning to school.
Friends of Bader Meeting Date
In the Autumn Term we began a Friends of Bader group where parents came into school to meet with other parents and school staff to support the planning and delivery of the Christmas Fayre. We are going to hold the next meeting early in the Summer Term and we would love as many families to join us as possible as we prepare for our Pride festival and Summer Fayre. This will be held at the end of the Summer Term. The first meeting will be on Thursday 27th April at 1:30pm. Please contact the office either via telephone or Class Dojo to let them know if you would like to attend.
PSHE and RSHE Curriculum – Summer Term
As we plan for the curriculum next half term, in particular our PSHE (personal, social and health education). There are elements of the statutory requirements for teaching RSHE (relationship, sex and health education). RSHE is a statutory subject, however there are elements of sex education which families may wish to withdraw their child from. With this in mind, ahead of any teaching of sessions, families will receive a letter which details what is contained within the curriculum for your child and what is going to be taught. This will vary depending on the age of your child as all content is planned and delivered, taking into consideration the topics taught and the age of young people to ensure this is suitable. You will them be able to make an informed decision as to whether you give consent.
There will be no lesson or content taught without consultation at the beginning of the half term. RSHE is a carefully planned curriculum and is there to ensure our pupils can navigate the world around them safely. An un-informed child is often a child left vulnerable and we want to empower our pupils. We hope that you understand the need to teach the statutory elements of the curriculum and thank you for your continued support as always. Further information will follow with specific details for your child’s year group.
Dates for Your Diary
Please see below activities which are already planned for the coming half term and into the final half term. There will be more dates added as we move through the summer term. We will provide more information closer to the time where needed.
Wednesday 12th & Thursday 13th April – Easter Holiday school (Easter Holiday school letters have been sent to those who requested a place on both or either of the days, if you have not received this letter please contact Viki Drew via Dojo.)
Monday 17th April – School reopens for the Summer Term following the Easter break.
Monday 17th April – Class Base 7D, 9, 10 & 11 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Tuesday 18th April – Class Base 5, 6, 7S & 8 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 19th April – Class Base 1, 2, 3 & 4 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 19th April – Provider Event at Bader (Year 7 – Year 11) 1:00pm - Letters have been sent out to pupils.
Thursday 20th April – The Hub Visit – Cannon Hall Farm
Friday 21st April – Sublime Science (rearranged due to snow day)
Monday 24th April – Wednesday 26th April – Residential
Tuesday 25th April – Trust Parliament Sports Day at English Institute of Sport – Secondary representatives
Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday
Tuesday 2nd – Friday 5th May Jewish Festival Learning
Friday 5th May – The King’s Coronation Celebration (tea party) 11-12:30pm
Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday
Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th May Year 6 SATS week
Thursday 11th and Friday 12th May – Duke of Edinburgh bronze award (practice expedition)
Week Commencing 15th May – Year 6 celebration visit (TBC)
Thursday 18th May GCSE English Literature Unit 1 Paper 1
Friday 19th May GCSE Maths non-calculator Paper
Monday 22nd May – Class Base 5 – 11 Visit to Manor Lodge Sheffield
Wednesday 24th May – Class Base 1 Visit to National Coal Mining Museum
Wednesday 24th May GCSE English Literature Unit 1 Paper 2
Thursday 25th May – Class Base 2 – 4 Visit to Royal Armouries
Thursday 25th May – The Hub Visit (Outdoor adventurous activities)
Friday 26th May GCSE English Literature Unit 2
Friday 26th May – School closes for half term
Monday 5th June – School closed to pupils INSET day
Thursday 8th & Friday 9th June – Duke of Edinburgh bronze award expedition
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you wish to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Viki Drew